Principal investigator
Ashley Cadby
Professor of Soft Matter Physics
Microscopy, Biologocal physics, Single molecule biophysics
Ashley Cadby is a Professor of Biophysics in the Imagine Life consortium at the University of Sheffield. His research interests include Microscopy, Single molecule biophysics.
The Cadby Lab sits at the core of the Bio Imaging centre, hosted within the Biophysics Research Group at the University of Sheffield, UK.
The group is known for the development of optical systems for biological imaging focusing on their application to real world problems, either by repurposing existing technology to build a better performing optical system, or by developing an entirely new system.
Our current research focuses on the study of cancer (funded by CRUK), Anti-microbial resistance (funded by the MRC), reproduction biology, photosynthesis (funded by the BBRSC) and neuroscience (industry funded).
Most of these projects are focused on novel camera development, and as such we work very closely with a number of companies, including: Hamamatsu, Andor Technologies, Cairn Research, Nikon, Proctor&Gamble, and IBM.
Ashley is also the course director for the MSc Programme in Biological Imaging.
Biologocal physics
Single molecule biophysics
Postdoctoral researcher, 2001-04, UCLA
PhD in Physics, 2001, The University of Sheffield
MSc in Physics, 1997, The University of Sheffield
Postgraduate students
Dylan George
PhD student
Dylan is a doctoral student in Biophysics.
He joined the group in 2018 and is fond of rugby.
Elliot Steele
PhD student
Elliot is a doctoral student in Biophysics.
He joined the group in 2018, with an industrial studentship funded by Cairn Research.
He is fond of otters.
Nicky Connell
PhD student
Nicky is a doctoral student in Biophysics.
She joined the group in 2016 and is fond of field hockey!
Olivia Hill
PhD student
Olivia is a doctoral student in Biophysics.
She joined the group in 2017.
Yin Xin Ho
PhD student
Yin is a doctoral student in medical physics.
She joined the group in 2017, under the Shield doctoral consortium.
She is fond of cookies!
Amy Moores
Doctoral Alumni
STFC Didcot
Amy was a doctoral student in the Cadby lab.
She graduated in 2017 and is currently a research scientist at STFC, Didcot National Facility in Oxford.
Ben Robinson
Doctoral Alumni
Imperial College
Ben was a doctoral student in the Cadby lab.
Following his graduation he held a postdoctoral position at Imperial College and is currently teaching science at the Tapton School Academy Trust in Sheffield.
Francesca Quacquarelli
Doctoral Alumni
The University of Sheffield
Fran was a doctoral student in the Cadby lab.
She graduated in 2013 and currently works in drafting and prosecution of German and European patent applications in the areas of mechanical engineering, bio-technology, and image analysis.
She loves cooking!
James Morby
Doctoral Alumni
Oxford Nanoimaging
James was a doctoral student in the Cadby lab.
He currently works in making cutting-edge imaging technology standards across the life sciences at Oxford Nanoimaging.
Liyana Valiya Peedikakkal
Doctoral Alumni
University of California San Diego
Liyana was a doctoral student in the Cadby lab. She worked on the development of a novel super-resolution microscope using dynamic light modulation.
She graduated in 2017 and currently works in the Jun lab at the University of California San Diego.
Sam Barnett
Doctoral Alumni
Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Sam was a doctoral student in the Cadby lab.
He graduated in 2017 and currently works in the Kanchanawong group at the Mechanobiology Institute of the National University of Singapore.